Category Archives: Uncategorized

Holiday game Hainfeld 2018

This year again, city council member Peter Sperl is organizing a Holiday game with many options for kids of all ages, for indoor and outdoor activities. Comedor del Arte is participating for the third time with two options:

Sewing doll clothes
Thu, July 12, from 2pm – 6pm
In the sewing room 

Kids can bring their dolls or stuffed animals, and we will be sewing new outfits for them. Feel free to bring your favorite remaining pieces of fabric you would like to use, or we will find appropriate materials in the sewing room. Many thanks to Cornelia Fuchs who will be available on this day with her wonderful and creative ideas.

Let’s create a mural
Lead: Marianne Plaimer
Wed – Fri, August 1-3, from 2pm – 6pm

We are very pleased that the art teacher Marianne Plaimer is offering to lead a workshop at Comedor del Arte for the third time. The last couple of years the kids created avatars. This year we will create a mural – a large wall painting – on three consecutive days.

All events of the Holiday game Hainfeld are availabe for download here. The information sheets are also distributed in the school.


Thank you to our supporters!

Easter holidays

Comedor del Arte is closed during the Easter week. We wish all our friends nice days.

Beginning from tuesday april 2, Franz is in the Comedor again. For urgent questions please call Franz by phone.

Easter decorations arts and crafts

For the Easter city Hainfeld we will make weatherproof Easter decorations. With bands and drawstrings we will form and weave Easter egg

Workshop leader: Elisabeth Hasler, Nähcafé WasIhrWollt!
Where: Comedor del Arte, Bahnstr. 1/G3, 3170 Hainfeld
Date and time: Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 2pm – 6pm

All who are interested are welcome!

Further info Franz Witzmann: 0650 / 851 08 96

We also go on Christmas break!

Starting Jan 7, 2020, Franz will have regular hours at Comedor del Arte: With A1 Geman language classes in the morning, and providing homework help in the afternoon.

We wish all our friends, visitors, donors, and all folks helping us very peaceful Christmas Holidays.

Alexandra and Franz

(Deutsch) Workshop Scherenschnitte

Workshop art of cutting paper designs

Art of cutting paper designs is practiced in many cultures and countries, and can be used in multiple ways. At the workshop we will use black natural uncoated paper, and we will use precise scissors and cutting knives for paper designs. We will also use colorful transparent tracing paper glued onto the paper designs. In this fashion we will get two dimensional pictures to be hung on windows, or for “wind lights”.

Leader: Julia  Dossi
Julia lives in Vienna as a technical illustrator, and will travel to Hainfeld for this workshop. Last year she was leading the paper collage workshop.

Saturday, Nov 11, 2017 from 2pm to 6pm

at Comedor del Arte

Free admission, for children and adults
More information Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll: 0664 / 10 26 798
Bring your own paper cutting knives!
Children will work with kid’s scissors.  


We are going to paint the Comedor del Arte. There will be new chalk boards end of August. We will also do a general clean up.

There will be NO German classes from August 14 – 26.

Please note:
– The sewing workshop with Cornelia Fuchs on August 19 will take place.
– The Comedor del  Arte is open during renovations. Franz will be there.
– The sewing studio is open as well.


Tipps und Tools für  Deutsch-Lerngruppen

BLICKPUNKT DEUTSCH und ÖIF-Integrationszentrum NÖ laden ein zum
Methoden-Workshop DEUTSCH im Comedor del Arte.


  • Welche Methoden helfen mir bei der Arbeit mit Lerngruppen?
  • Wie setze ich unterschiedliche Medien beim Deutschlernen ein?
  • Wie gestalte ich Übungen für meine Teilnehmer/innen?
  • Wie kann ich Kreativität und Spiel einbringen?

Eingeladen sind alle ehrenamtlich Deutsch-Lehrenden, die den Unterricht in ihrer Deutsch-Lerngruppe lebendig gestalten wollen. Das kostenlose Seminar ist auch eine gute Gelegenheit für alle an der Deutschvermittlung prinzipiell  interessierten Personen, um in das Thema hineinzuschnuppern. Denn das Team des Comedor del Arte freut sich immer über neue Helferinnen und Helfer – für Kurse, Einzelbegleitungen oder Nachhilfen.

Dienstag, 5. September 2017, 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr

Comedor del Arte, Bahnstraße 1/G3, 3170 Hainfeld

Alice Herberstein, 02742- 311337-113

Wir freuen uns auf deine/Ihre Teilnahme!

das Team des ÖIF-Integrationszentrum Niederösterreich
und das Team Comedor del Arte

Information zum Download:

Making avatars

Children’s workshop with Marinne Plaimer
August 3 + 4, 2017, from 1pm – 6pm

For the second time, Marianne Plaimer, a teacher and artist, will make avatars with children at Comedor del Arte. The results are animals, figures or other objects made with cardboard, using many colors and happy faces. All children are welcome to participate! If you have empty shoe boxes or toilet paper / paper towel cardboard rolls please bring these to the session.

Comedor del Arte, Bahnstrasse 1/G3, 3170 Hainfeld
No registration necessary. Free — no payment required.

For questions please call  Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll: 0664 / 10 26 798

Movie presentation and festival

We got to know the German movie director Sonja Wessel last year at the Viertelfestival NOE where she was leading similar workshops for three weeks, and Franz Witzmann was able to connect her with a number of people.

Sonja Wessel will lead a movie workshop at Comedor del Arte from July 24 to 28. The general theme of the self portraits is “Wie Zuagroaste unsere Heimat sehen”. Conclusion of this productive workshop will be a movie presentation. Many thanks to the City of Hainfeld for providing the Kultursaal for this purpose. We will also use this evening to present the many activities of Comedor del Arte. There will be an international buffet and music for people attending. Save the date!

Tuesday August 1
Begin movie presentation: 19:00
Kultursaal Gemeindezentrum Hainfeld

Excursion to Hainfeldmuseum on May 20

We will visit the Hainfeldmuseum on May 20. There are various exhibits about the history of Hainfeld. All participants of the German language class at Comedor del Arte are invited.

Information: Alexandra Eichenauer-Knoll (mobile phone: 0664 / 10 26 798)
She will participate at the excursion.

Meeting place/date: 1.30 Uhr at Comedor del Arte
We will go there together. Please be on time!

There will be no ABC class on this Saturday.

Discussion group about household at the museum with coffee and brioche buns:
Women who want to practice their German can participate on a discussion about household topics and issues on the same day, either at 10:30AM until noon, or at 3:30PM – 5PM)

Tuwas – closing ceremony March 3, 2017

The big closing ceremony of the Tuwas – Social festival will take place at Lebensgut Miteinander in Rohrbach on March 3, 2017.
Interesting speakers, the possibility for making personal contacts, the presentation of the Tuwas movie, art exhibits and performances and great food will make this Friday evening event unforgettable.

The Comedor del Arte was founded on the basis of the Social festival, and is grateful for the support from the founders and the personal encouragement!

Celebrate with us, and let’s brainstorm about the future, because there is a lot to do. Following the motto: Tuwas, dann tut sich was!

Important: The organizers are asking for registration until Feb 24 at, or call 02722-730929


Comedor del Arte is closed from saturday, december 24 till sunday, january 8. We will use the free time not only for making holidays, we will try to make some reconstruction work as well.

On monday, january  16, 2017 at  9am we start as usual with a German lesson.

We wish you a good time!


Six short films will be presented on saturday July, 9, 2016, starting from 6 p.m. in the Comedor del Arte. They are the result of  three workshops, with four to five asylum seekers each. Together with media artist Sonja Wessel the people will tell their own, personal story in a film, which lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. In the workshops the young people had also the possibility to learn different film techniques such as recording or cutting.

Franz Witzmann from the COMEDOR DEL ARTE organized for this project a group of young people living in Hainfeld.

The presentation is a nice opportunity to talk and make friends. The entrance is free. Food and drinks are availabe for fee.

The project is organized by Villa Kreativ, Neulengbach and is part of the Viertelfestivals NÖ Mostviertel 2016.

Last event:
FREILEBEN: August, 6, 2016, starting from 6 p.m., Gut Aichhof Maria Anzbach

Fremd-bin-ich-eingezogen… An event of the Viertelfestivals NÖ – Mostviertel 2016

In the center of the this project there are three workshops, with four to five asylum seekers each. Together with media artist Sonja Wessel they will tell their own, personal story in a film, which lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. In the workshops the young people have the possibility to learn different film techniques such as recording or cutting, as well.

Franz Witzmann from the COMEDOR DEL ARTE organized for this project a group of young people living in Hainfeld. The presentation of their works will be part of the first event:

June, 17, 2016, starting from 6 p.m.
Atelier Ja-He
Schoderlehstraße 2
3052 Neustift-Innermanzing

The project is organized by Villa Kreativ, Neulengbach.

The entrance to all events is free. Food and drinks are availabe for fee.

Further events:

FREISPIEL: July, 2, 2016, starting from 6 p.m., Villa Kreativ Neulengbach
FREIDENKEN: July, 9, 2016, starting from 6 p.m., Villa Kreativ Neulengbach
FREILEBEN: August, 6, 2016, starting from 6 p.m., Gut Aichhof Maria Anzbach